Thursday, August 27, 2009

August Update

I took Ava on her one year check up today. We decided to wait until school was back in and things calmed down at the Dr’s office. He said Ava looked great!! She got four shots and her blood drawn. While they were getting blood he got a little extra to do some milk allergy testing. Her eczema is back. We may need to go to a dermatologist, but for now we are managing it with a steroid cream. He said IF she were to continue to grow on the same track she would max 5’7. WHAT a relief lol! We certainly did not want her to be 6’4 like her Daddy!! He said her weight and height balance each other perfect. I was getting worried because the girl can put back the food. He said she will lose a lot when she gets more mobile as Jackson did. She is breaking 6 teeth on top and has two already on the bottom. She is talking so much, eating so much, and loves to dance. Every where we go people say she is going to be a dancer. She is full of energy and into everything and I mean everything. She has the exact opposite personality of Jackson (watch out world).

Jackson is a typical boy. He loves swim lessons and is a great swimmer. We decided to keep him in swim once a week year round since it is in doors. He enjoys it, it gives him such confidence, and it is a great for safety. We were at a friends pool a few weeks ago and looked away for a few seconds and when I looked back Jackson lost grip of the side of the pool. He was floating on his back waiting for me. He is also taking a Sports Skills Enchantment class at Little Gym this fall. He LOVES it! We will try team sports again next year at 4.5. We meet his new teacher next week and he is really looking forward to going back. He will no longer nap at school in the afternoon. He will take Spanish one day and Science another. Most of our friends are going three days a week, but I chose two days. I am just not ready for more and I don’t think he is either. He loves to watch movies and color. We think he has his first crush. He loves watching The Little Mermaid and always asks about Arial. He wants to meet her, have her come to his house, and thinks she is pretty. If you ask him about her he smiles real big and looks away. The other day when we checked the mail Highlights had sent us a sample magazine with stickers. He thought it was so cool he got something in the mail. He told me he knew who sent it. When I asked who, he replied Santa. I guess we know what Santa will send this year! He is quite the character. He has really mellowed out since having Ava. She is wild and takes everything out of every where. Jackson never likes a mess. He has to have everything in its perfect spot. This was a real issue for him as he only saw thing black or white. He could not move on until things were perfect. I have seen such an improvement in him.

Ava 1 year

22.5 pounds 75%
30.5 inches long 90%