Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Oh Jackson

If being a parent were only easy! When I picked up Jackson from school he had a write up. Any time one of the students is physical they get a write up you have to sign. The note said Jackson had trouble making good choices all day. He was wrestling another kid on the play ground, he kicked his friend, spit, and was making loud noises. It is so hard to explain to a 2 year old that what may be ok for another kid may not be ok for him. I DO NOT allow him to wrestle. Someone always gets hurt and it is not allowed at school (plus I just don't like it). I think it is important to support the rules the school has. He is not old enough to understand sometimes you can sometimes you can't (we will leave wresting to when he hits the football field). That will come later. On to the kicking and spitting, I have no idea where he even learned this! Jackson knows not to be physical even if someone else does it first. At his age I am teaching him to look someone in the eye and with a firm voice say, "don't hit me" and then tell an adult. If he hits back he gets in trouble as well. That is the schools rules so again we are supporting them. As he gets older that will change, but those are the rules now. He has been very good at this and I have heard him tell kids, don't hit me, don't push me, etc. I am still not sure why he kicked his friend, but I do know he did not get to go to the park with his friend Abby that afternoon. He had to come home and spend 10 minutes in his room and then we made a card for his buddy. I really think he knows he did something wrong and that it is important to ask for forgiveness.

It is so hard when your child does not behave on someone else's watch. Those who are involved in Jackson's life on a regular basis know he is really a good boy. The only time I have problems with him is when he is over tired and out of his element.

I love you Jackson and I hope that I am doing what is best to make you a good boy!


Cathy Noble said...

Sounds like we had the exact same day! Aidan's teacher called me today to say that he had a wonderful day and the first thing he did when he got to school was hug his friend and say he was sorry...all on his own (after we talked about it the night before...I was just glad he remembered) Jackson is such a're raising a wonderful little man!

The Gallands said...

Every child has their moments,(tired and hugngry for mine too!) You do such a good job with him and he is a great boy!