Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I spoke to soon!! The Cardiologist just called me at home. They have had people looking at Jackson's echo all day long. He is such a rare case. They have found a pocket (Diverticulum) of blood. He will have to be monitored every 6 months and if it is bigger next 6 months then we will have to do a MRI. This is going to make me a nervous wreck during his surgery next week! He went from his blood flows different and it is fine too he has a heart defect that will have to be monitored. Prayers PLEASE~


christina said...

I am sorry girl! I know it must be such a hard thing all this uncertainity. You all wil be in my thoughts! Keep us updated.

Lerin said...

Oh Amber, I would be a wreck too. I will say a special prayer tonight! I wish I could give you a hug!!!

Can you email the name of the chiropractor who helped you with SPD? I would love to make an appointment!

Savanna Stanford said...

Amber I just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you and your family, and saying prayers!